WordPress Property Manager for Escapia Updates: 1.6.5

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The new release (1.6.5) of our WordPress Property Manager for Escapia plug-in has several enhancements and a couple of bug fixes.  Also, in the next release we will change versioning to coincide with the month of release (i.e. 2020.2 for February 2020 release).


Added Icons for Admin Pages

Instead of the default WordPress menu item icons, now the plug-in will show the dashboard (for Control Panel)  and house (for properties) icons.

Logic for Adding Promo Code to Unit Quote Request Function

A promo code now can be passed to the Escapia API.  Escapia checks the promo code against defined promo codes defined in the Escapia system.  If the code is valid the defined discount rate is applied. If code is invalid, then the regular rate would continue without a discount.

Availability Logic implementation for Individual Property

Previously, property availability was only updated on a scheduled basis.  We’ve implemented a new call that updates an individual property availability upon a successful reservation submission.  This is so that property availability remains current and lends towards a positive up-to-date experience for your customers.

Global Sync Settings Implementation

A very widely requested feature, the global sync feature now will allow you to update properties defined on the website with the the Escapia system data.  

Simply, select the data that you wish to update and select ‘Save Settings’.   To continue the sync process based on your selections select ‘Sync Properties’.  If you wish to synchronize the data nightly, select ‘Import Escapia Metadata Daily’ and select ‘Save Settings’. The process will run at 2 a.m. nightly based on server time.

If you have specific properties that you do not want to update enter them into the ‘Properties to Ignore’ box separated by commas and select ‘Save Settings’. These specific ‘ignored’ properties will not be processed in global sync.  

Max Occupancy Added to Property Details

Previously missing from the property details admin page, the Max Occupancy field has been added and is located just under Unit Status on the sidebar

Individual Property Full Data and Section Sync

Until now, users could only sync the property name and description fields for individual properties.  Now our solution allows for syncing of any individual property data within Escapia.  

Open the property you want to edit, select the data field you wish to update and select the corresponding ‘Sync’ button.  At the top of the property edit screen is a button to sync all information for the individual property.

Reservation Confirmation Emails

The 'Email Template Details’ admin now includes a feature that lets users view a sample of the reservation confirmation email that will be sent.

To view the email sample simply click ‘View Email’ at the bottom of the ‘Email Template Details’ page.

Custom Category/Dynamic Field Support

Previously, the plug-in only supported the ‘Area’ and ‘View’ custom category fields.  With this new feature, any custom fields can be imported.  

Values defined under the ‘Categories’ area of the ‘Detail’ tab and ‘Custom Fields’ tab of a property in Escapia can now be imported.

To include a field enter the field name as it is defined in Escapia. Select A Field Type of ‘Text’ for a simple text field or ‘Select’ for a Drop-down style of field.

Bug Fixes

Corrected Reversed Logic for Properties Allowing Dogs/Cats

Bug identified that when importing the property was erroneously flagged as cats allowed instead of dogs allowed and vice versa. 

Upgrade Logic Changes

Upgrade process wasn’t setting the field type of integer for email template id when inserting templates.  On some versions of MySQL, the template stub would not insert.

Perform Check for Images being Defined Before Attempting to Update an Individual Property

Previously a PHP error would occur if trying to save changes to an individual property that didn’t have any images defined for it.

Demo Theme Changes and Enhancements

For developers using our demo theme - we’ve made the following enhancements:

Improved Property Detail Page

To make better use of the sidebar area, the headers for property information were removed and the information combined under a single header. Added Arrival Date and Departure Date labels to the calendar function. 

We corrected the formatting issue with data imported from Escapia so that the sample theme is using the PHP function nl2br to properly handle line breaks.

Search Page

Implemented reset filters button. 

Misc Content Adjustments and Corrections on Book Now Page

There were some typos and user experience changes made to improve the user experience using the form fields.  Styling for the totals sidebar was also improved. Fixed logic for displaying totals based on based on payment type selection. Currency format has been adjusted to include commas and decimals. 

Implemented Custom Category Logic

In conjunction with the new Custom Category feature if required, data can be returned from the corresponding database tables.  

Search and Property Details now use the database tables generated when declaring custom category types in the admin. 

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